Thursday, April 24, 2014

Things we are raving about!

We have been experimenting with all kinds of technology after school in Tech Club here at Mundy.  Here are a few comments from our members...

"One thing I really liked that we learned to use was I liked this website because it is a a way to write stories and when your done you can publish your story and let others read it. In addition, I have been wanting to write full stories and add free pictures that relate to my story."

I learned about Haiku Deck. It is fun and easy, and you could use it for school projects.
-Sofia C.

What I like to use is Blogger. I think it is useful to have because I can use it to tell people about the big games on for the SJ SHARKS. It is really great to have.
-Alex V.

Something that we have learned in Geek Squad is Story Bird it is very fun and exciting. Story Bird is a place where you can make your own stories and poems.

One thing I like to use is Blogger. I like blogger because I am able to have my own website that looks really cool. Another thing I like to use is I don't have anything on it, but I like the layout.

I have learned a lot of stuff from geek squad. I have learned from being on a computer for so long how to type better and faster. I have also learned a bit of basic coding because Mrs. Johann always gives activities that involve coding. Although I have not yet mastered all the basics, Mrs. Johann still gives us websites to practice and learn more.

One of the great things about Mundy Geek Squad is that we are constantly learning new things.For example,we are learning how to code, which can be useful for people who have wanted to make animations and other different things.We are also learning how to make Haiku Decks, where we described yourself in 10 slides.

One thing i learned in geek squad is how to code the radius of a cylinder. I like this because you can change it and it jut flips out.

I found coding helpful and fun because you can create something just by using commands. You can create certain shapes, and make a landscape! I recommend using Khan Academy to practice coding.

I learned how to code on Khan Academy where it explains how to make shapes, pictures, and how to color. I think it's the easiest way to learn coding because it explains coding really well in a video and you can create your own picture or illusion and show it on the website. This is important in the future because you could use this for a job or college.

I really like Blogspot. Geek Squad taught me how to blog and add pictures and videos and taught me how to use the center. I used to always press the space bar! I think Blospot will be useful in the future because if I have a presentation, I could totally use it for the background. Speaking of presentations, you could use Haiku Deck. I recommend that you use Haiku Deck for presentations because it's easier to use than Blogspot. Blogspot is mostly able to be used for talking about life or anything really. I really like these websites. THANK YOU Mrs. Johann!

I learned that there is a web site called Haiku Deck. You can make a simple slide show with cool backrounds.

This is the best place to learn to code.

My favorite website that I have done at GeekSquad is Haiku Deck because you can make a slid show for anything.

I learned how to make a blog and post on it and it will help me because I might make a blog when I am older.

Today - April 24th

Please fill out the Google Form first.  Write a comment about our technology club.  Write about something new you have learned, why you liked it, and how you think it will be helpful or useful in the future.  I will be publishing your comments on the blog for others to read, so make sure they are written well and with thought.

When you finish, you have free time to work on what you like.  Here are some new suggestions if you need some ideas... - If you consider yourself a master coder, this is the website for you.  Change codes to alter projects to be your own or try new projects.  -  My new favorite game!  Use drawings to get your stickman through the episodes. - make your own comic strips

Monday, April 14, 2014

What do I do today?

Here are some activities to try today... OR you can work on your blog and Mrs. Johann can help you with any questions you have.

A Google A Day Scavenger Hunt - Work with a partner and see if you are Google savvy enough to find the answers to some tricky questions.

Play with ifaketext and make up pretend text conversations.

If you haven't tried Storybird to create your own poetry or stories, it is fun to pick some artwork and see how the story or poem unfolds.

Try Padlet! Make a wall of all of your favorite things, pictures, or videos.  You can embed these into your blog, tweet them, or share them with others.

Do you have a Smart Phone with you?  Try taking a picture of something interesting.  Email it to yourself (using your school email), save it to your google drive, then practice editing your photo in PicMonkey.  Upload it and share it on your blog.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Let's try some Coding!

Use these links to explore coding!  Share what you have learned with others.

(scratch tutorial)


Khan Academy Coding
Khan Academy Hour of Code

Easy LightBot Coding


You can leave comments about which websites you liked the most or recommend other links for coding below!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Today - March 17th, 2014

Here are some things that you should do today...

1.  Finish your Haiku Deck!!!!!  And share THE LINK in the google form.  I haven't been able to link everyone on our picture to a Haiku Deck.
2.  Make a banner for your blog on PicMonkey (save it in your google drive)
3.  Write an actual blog post.  Check it for spelling and grammar before you publish it.
Here are some ideas:

  • the last book I read
  • what I am doing right now (a list of all your favorite things right now)
  • Mundy is...
  • If I could be a superhero, I would be...

4.  Make your own Avatar for your blog, just like Mrs. Johann's!  Try out one of these websites:
5.  Adjust the fonts and colors of your blog to your liking if you have not already done so.
6.  Create your own Haiku Deck to share with Mrs. Cherry called "Mundy Is..."
7.  Explore websites for coding.  Play around and see which ones seem easy to use and try some out!

Geek Squad What's Happenin'

 Geek Squad is a place where you can join in with other people who love technology! There are many activities and tips that are given to you by our very own, Mrs. Johann.

   Ever wanted to start a blog but didn't know how? At Geek Squad, you can design your own blogs about whatever you want! Mrs. Johann gives great ideas for your blogs, or just recommends interesting blogs to read.

   For example, an anonymous interviewee, who decided to be named Pineapple Trees, has told us some fun ideas and useful tips for our blogs. She has also mentioned things that we have learned so far in Geek Squad.

                        Interview with Pineapple Trees

What do you like about Geek Squad?

Pineapple Trees: I like how it teaches us how to blog and, um, do cool things with the computer. And you know how Mrs. Johann taught us how to center the wording on Microsoft? I would ALWAYS press the space bar. All the time.

Does it make life easier for you?

PT: Now it does, yeah. *giggles* The spacebar sucked.

Yeah, that took forever. What else have you been learning in Geek Squad?

PT: To be nice and safe online. I also like how it teaches you digital citizenship.

Is there anything else you enjoy about Geek Squad?

PT: Mrs. Johann recommends good blogs for us to read, which are very engaging. She teaches us how to keep our blogs private and how to make our blogs interesting to read.

  Another interview, with Michael S., shows that he is excited about the idea of blogging in Geek Squad. According to Michael, he looks forward to coding, which is computer programming. I hope you all enjoy Geek Squad as much as Pineapple Trees, Michael, and me.
                                                                   -BL :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Get to Know Us!

Tell about ourselves in less than 10 slides?  We've done it!!  Check out our ThingLink picture to learn more about the members of our club!