Monday, April 14, 2014

What do I do today?

Here are some activities to try today... OR you can work on your blog and Mrs. Johann can help you with any questions you have.

A Google A Day Scavenger Hunt - Work with a partner and see if you are Google savvy enough to find the answers to some tricky questions.

Play with ifaketext and make up pretend text conversations.

If you haven't tried Storybird to create your own poetry or stories, it is fun to pick some artwork and see how the story or poem unfolds.

Try Padlet! Make a wall of all of your favorite things, pictures, or videos.  You can embed these into your blog, tweet them, or share them with others.

Do you have a Smart Phone with you?  Try taking a picture of something interesting.  Email it to yourself (using your school email), save it to your google drive, then practice editing your photo in PicMonkey.  Upload it and share it on your blog.

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